Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Activity 1

Activity  1

Q ACTIVITY 1: Stereotypes and Generalizations Your answer for this activity should 1-2 pages in length. Submit your completed assignment on Blackboard. Stereotypes and Generalizations about College Students Learning Objective 1.4: Give examples of a good generalization and a stereotype. In this activity, you will examine the differences between good and bad generalizations using data from the Higher Learning Advocates (a bipartisan non-profit organization), about characteristics of college students. 1. Drawing from the text, explain the difference between a stereotype and a generalization. 2. List three stereotypes you have heard describing the characteristics of college students. For example, what do you commonly hear about the typical age, gender, race, family, economic status? 3. Go to the Higher Learning Advocates infographic on Today’s students: Compare the stereotypes you had heard about with the data you found. Can you confirm any of the stereotypes you had? 4. Using information from the web site, create some valid generalizations about today’s college students. 5. How does this research help you distinguish between a stereotype and a generalization?

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1. Stereotypes is described as the idea predetermine about a certain group of people mainly based on personal or hearsay experiences regardless of contrary evidence while generalization is statement which is backed by the evidence used to describe a group of things or people in overall terms . 2. • Those who cannot enrolled in collages thinks that one attended college because a person is from a wealthy family. • As college student are young there is high possibility for them to be reckless and make bade decisions every time which will ruin their lives.